still wedding obsessed….

uh ma gawd. how is it that even after being married i am still creeping wedding blogs? i blame it one my job. i’m just educating myself, right? keeping current? yes. that is correct.

i just came across this adorable wedding, on none other than GWS, and almost died at how friggin’ cute this couple tiffany and jon are.

PLEASE take a look at their cute NYC farm wedding, the full post over at green wedding shoes.  i love how personal everything is, and that the Brides’ best friend got ordained so they could marry this couple! how awesome is that? i think i also, and most importantly love that this pair seemed to be so committed to making this day fun and awesome. I also love all of their music selections!  and that dress???? TO DIE FOR.



the photos of the Bride and Groom in the pumpkin patch are so stunning! so many cool details as i scrolled through the post~ i just think they did a glorious job, and they looked so cool. kinda like you want to be their friend, no? okay, maybe that’s creepy,… but i often think that when i see really cool, talented people who look like they have great attitudes and know how to party! (who doesn’t?)

kudos to the couple, and to all of their great ideas and vendors that made this give me wedding envy.(amazing photography by sweet little photographs)

(P.S not wedding envy as in our wedding wasn’t totally awesome, just such in a way that it is really awesome and totes cute)

hey, today’s friday!

wedding crush alert!

okay, well because we are on the wedding topic (do i even live life without ever being on this topic, really?)…..

this weddig seriously makes me so happy i almost barf.

maybe not barf, but i fell in love with it so many times, i even lay in bed thinking of it, trying to get to sleep one night.

am i sick?

no. i just love this wedding. found via 100 layer cake, one of the  lurrrrve-ly sites i fall over.

this wedding pulls so much from ’50s retro it kills me. i see my own wedding having some sort of ’50s inspiration as well, and it’s people like  dominque and ron (shown here) that make me think we got nuthin’ on their cool asses.

the vintage paper doll placecard markers were one of the first things to make me swoon. i love love love this.

also, the fact that they served from a food trailer  and fish tacos made me show some serious respect.

i need to find a fish taco wedding vendor asap.

anyone know any in toronto?


like, how 50’s glam is this couple? i just love her wild red locks and porcelain skin, amazing dress and cute  glittery star tiara!

this lady even makes carnations look cool, for shiazah’s sake! her BM’s carried adorable fuschia and lilac old granny bouquets, and… i love them ever so muchly muchly.

i strongly suggest you head over to 100 layer cake and look at the remaining of the 3 posts and image galleries for this wedding. each photo is turbo-rad and badass ’50s inspired on oh-so-many levels. you’ll feel really bad about yourself if you don’t. (not kidding)

so, be prepared for gabe to grow a pompadour real soon.

(BAHAHAHAHA!!! for those who know him know he has no hair, and that he would shoot me for even suggesting such a thought)

ok, well maybe i’ll just go get some more tatts?

HA!  leave me alone you crazy people!



i’m in the right business

hi ladies and germs. i haven’t been feeling like blogging lately, so i do apologize~ i know you hang on every breath i write, no?

(i kid, i kid).

things have been pretty bananas lately, as wedding season is in full tilt a la shop~ and then there’s life, too.

in the midst of all the mayhem, i have been seeing some ridiculously amazing wedding posts from my slew of wedding-related blogs that i stalk regularly.

this one in partic has made me realize (even more) that as much as i want to choke people at times, i do love my career and it truly is amazing working with people for their wedding. i am also imagining that they are just as thankful for our (amazing) talent, too right?

ok, on with the story. so, i creeped this sesh on none other than green wedding shoes, and almost fell off my chair.

these are a mere few of the reasons i love this couple’s wedding:

1. they like moss, and so do i.

2.a lot of their day was handmade by themselves or family and friends.

3. tissue paper poufs (my specialty) in the woods…. shut the front door!

4.  did i say that their ceremony was IN THA WOODS!!????!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. the bride and groom had amazing taste and style and i want to be their friends.

how cool is it that the Bride carried an air plant as a bouquet, and made it herself… and also made the bridesmaids bouquets (also air plants that they can keep as houseplants after the wedding) and boutonniers? HOLLAH, girl~ you rock. and, how stunning is she? and handmade teal banners and streamers?? are they insane? my answer?

yes. and i love it.

check out the amazing images via liana wears and paige newton on GWS:






i seriously need to plan a wedding in the near future.

it makes seeing really creative posts like this (and ones i add to my blog) believable that marriage is cool,  and that i am gonna do it ( pretty soon, i reckon) and that i hope our day is as unique as so many brides and grooms that i draw  my inspiration from. i know i’ve said this before, but it also makes me genuinely excited for couples who come in to talk to us about their day~ when they choose things that totally represent what they’re all about and who they are to the world. i really admire the ones who stay true to who they are and create a wedding full of character and love~ and having a party with friends and family to celebrate their new chapter.

was i just deep on my blog?????



okay, that’s enough for now… clearly i am in need of some sleep if i am being mushy in public.

happy whatever-day-of-the-week-it-is to you all.

boa noite.

pee ess: if people keep calling me marilyn munroe  as often as they have in the last week, my life will continue to be amazheballs.


so cute i may cry

ok, folks. here is another one of my “found” wedding inspiration crushes featured on ruffled.

i love love love this! totally adorable, mostly everything diy wedding in california… what’s not to love?

here are a few of my fave pics from this post, but do check out the full gallery here.


they used the bride’s grandma’s quit to line the altar… how adorable and cozy is that freakin’ idea?!!!! smart little cookies, no?

and that birdcage veil in canary yellow????!!!!!! AMAZHE!!!! they look so so so cute, i just love it to bits n bits.


um,… and can i just say that the sock monkey cake topper alone makes me want to jump on a trampoline yelling about how cute it is?




(le sigh!) all images by chad cress.

that’s all for now, kittens. i’m off to walk in this sunshiny toronto day to the shop of fleurs!

happy wednesday to the rest of the universe!







tea party.

if i didn’t come across this wedding post from green wedding shoes (clearly i am a crazy maniac for constantly looking at this site) in my lifetime i would die the saddest girl alive. you may think,”gosh that’s pretty dramatic, becky”~ but it isn’t.

i would have died to go to this wedding in Toowoomba, Australia. hell, i would have died to be in the darn thing(the bride, no?)…..

so, if my  someday wedding happens to have a tea party theme, i’ll have these cool kids Tina and Tim (even their names are cute) to thank.

check out this ridiculously amazing stuff:

i am such a crusher on people’s beautiful ideas for their weddings! honestly, i know i am bananas, but at least i try to gather as much information and ideas as i can to suggest to future clients….that is really why i am all over wedding blogs.

okay, i lied.

i love them.

but  in my profession i need to be current  and down with all the cool things the kids are up to these days, right?

now, i am going to have some tea.

in my party dress.

big ups to my Newfies!

oh my goodie.

i just found this post on 100 layer cake that features a beautiful and oh-so-cute East Coast wedding, and i just had to write about it!

Check out the full gallery via 100 layer cake, but here are a few highlights!   I am LOVING Sarah’s (the bride) coat, blue ankle booties, dress and veil!

so cute it makes me want to dance.

Holy hellion. this makes me really really want those blue suede booties.

that is what will propel me through this rainy, wet and ultra poop day we are having.

booties! booties! booooooooties!!!!

stay dry kids!

O.M.G ( i know i say that a lot) but…

this is sheer and utter genius. photo shoots never cease to amaze me. that’s why when i see an amazing one like this, my heart can’t even handle the awesomeness that it possesses. seriously.

(post courtesy of style me pretty texas. )

holy happy cinco de mayo shoot!!!!!


photography by greg blomberg photography and floral by bows and arrows , and both did a crazy amazing deliciously intense, vibrant, STELLAH job of this shoot. for serious. ‘reals.

it made me do more than just want a freakin’ margarita!!!! what about you?

i just can’t get enough of all of these insanely bright colors,… and it all really compliments the inspiration for the shoot so well. major kudos!

wow. i wish Brazil and i were a crazy colorful couple, so much to be able to pull this off…( some people say we are, but i don’t think we could get away with this insanity!!!)

( in my dreams).

anyway, this shoot is such a LUSCIOUS TREAT, no????!!!

i’m off to use the blender now, i feel a sudden urge for that margarita…..

have a good night you silly creatures.

weddings on goat farms.

pie contest wedding

just enough time and inspiration for a quickie post of this adorable wedding from green wedding shoes.

i’m sorry if you:

a) hate weddings or

b) are sick of this site or my GWS posts

BUT i lurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrve it ever so much, and find it totally inspiring.

so, this is my blog and you’ll do what i say. love green wedding shoes. it’s that easy.

so, this couple had some amazing ideas for their wedding, feel free to creep the full post, at my fave site.

for now, all i will say is i LOVE this. do you think gabe will mind if i start researching local goat farms in toronto?

just sayin’.

take a peek and fall over with excitement:

this one is my fave. ENJOY KIDDIES!!!!!!

paper flowers+wedding=beautiful



holy paper flower love!

i just stumbled upon this on green wedding shoes blog, and got excited to see it because we have been making paper flowers at Pink Twig for the last few weeks.

they are so fun! we have them in our front window display right now in blues and purples, and some in natural brown paper. we played around with a lot of different styles and types, and i really like them all mis-matched and put together all pretty like!

here’s a great pic that i found, love it! i also think it’s too cute that there are pinwheels mixed amongst the flowers, too. this wedding is amazing in every way.  here are some more great shots:


love love love it!


i’ll get on a paper flower tutorial in the next bit to show you some of the cuties that are at the shop. happy flowering!


wedding belles (and whistles)

i happen to love love LOVE kate spade.  i don’t own a lot of her clothes and accessories but i do have a clutch and an adorable pair of glasses that i am wearing right this very second! she has come out with a wedding shop, and it is simply delightful and makes the traditional wedding dress and attire seem so boring! i love the look of these  fresh and cute dresses, shoes and accessories for weddings.


wedding belles jillian dress

wedding belles jillian dress

wedding belles naomi dress

wedding belles naomi dress

these are just precious, no?

and i LOVE the colored tights! so fun!











and these shoes were another lovely piece of heaven:




lourdes shoe


that’s all for now, until i find another delightful treat worth sharing!
