And, so. Off we go.

Well, everyone. I haven’t quite got myself organized enough to merge this blog with my website blog yet, and I’ve been watching and there are people out there who are still viewing! So. I thought, if that was the case I better write one more post as we jet set off to Brazil tomorrow.

Also, I am 30 now.


Yes. I said it. admitted it even.

So, that is all we will say about that topic. This week was spent finishing up my seasonal job and running around getting hair done, nails done everything did. (Thanks, Drake) Last night we had dinner with some dear friends, as our wedding venue Caju is closing after 10 years in business. It was amazing food and service as always, and we are truly sad to see them closing their doors, but excited to see what they do next!

So, what a load of thoughts running through my mind right now. We watched an episode of The Layover, with Anthony Bourdain ( click Here ) and it somehow made me feel a bit less terrified of G’s city. It also was one of the things that made me realize that this is a huge and incredible experience and being scared of things I don’t know, or a lifestyle I know nothing about is kindof a bit silly. Isn’t it?

We fear things we don’t know, and I am afraid of a lot of things. I imagined myself to be a lot more wound up and stressed out, anxious and all of the other things I usually exhibit when I am freaking out. But, truth be told, this over-organizer leaves in 24 hours and doesn’t have her luggage fully ready yet.

This is crazy, because if any of you now the real me, I would typically be packed and organized and outfits planned, everything done weeks ago. But, I feel like I have almost surrendered a bit to myself, and realized that kind of over planning does tend to get a bit exhausting after so many years. It also helps that I married the King of Laid-back personalities.

So, as I get ready to go get a mani-pedi, and look outside to see snow in Toronto and the high winds that woke me up this morning, I can’t help but laugh at how crazy it is that a small town girl from Truro, NS married a Brazilian, and now is my time to be shocked shitless by a culture that I’ve only grown to be part of but now I’m jumping into feet first. Who’da thunk it? And, also to be for the first time ever, in another country for Christmas, without snow and bundling up, winter coats and scarves. To be digging to the back of my closet for my summer dresses, and buying 85 proof sunblock in December.

I’ll be sure to take lots of photos and see lots of things and above all, eat everything I can possibly eat. Oh, and I may bring back a tattoo or so :)

Happy Holidays!!!!!



Hi everyone,

December 1st……really????


Yes, really. So, this means my, ahem, big birthday is coming, and there is nothing I can do to stop it, no? Shit. Well, let’s just say my 30 before 30 didn’t happen. But, I did open my own business, and I dont think that was on the list but clearly it is a big thing. Take that list I made myself!

Anyway,  I know I haven’t blogged in a zillion years, and things really have been a tad bit cray cray~ not gonna lie. But, my website is done, and I will have a new blog at blush and bloom coming very soon. I will be closing this blog down, as I know there is no way to possibly keep up two blogs. Really? Like, would you be able to do that?

So, anyway, please feel free to check out the rest of my website, and know that there will be small changes to it as time passes.

Thanks for reading everyone!!!!



Remembering and Blush and Bloom.

Hi everyone.

first off, it is Remembrance Day. I always make sure to take time and remember all of the ways in which we are able to live the way we do because of our grandparents, parents and soldiers of todays’ sacrifices. I feel like this is so important, and without them we would be living completely different lives than the ones we live today. I can’t possibly imagine the things and situations they had to witness and endure in order for us to be here today, and for those things I am forever grateful.

In other things, most of you who know me know I am in the midst of starting my own floral studio. After many years of humming and hawing, and being scared I came to a place in my life where I need to force myself to do it. Chase what I’ve always wanted and to try my best not to be scared. And, to lie and say ‘m not scared would be just that. Lying. So, I am scared…but I need to tell myself that being scared can be exciting, and it can most certainly be okay. I know the hard work I’m facing,and I have never beenmore ready to dive in, feet first and create something that is truly mine.


I have been so fortunate in the process so far with the help I have received from friends,family,husband and brother-in-law. The support and kind words these people have been giving me is one of the things that makes me believe that I CAN DO THIS. I hope I have always given them and continue to give them the same support when they need it from me in the past, and years to come.

With that being said, Blush and Bloom is going to be my baby. My project. My passion, and my life.  As this happens, this little blog will eventually be no longer and I will blog over on about pretty flowers and lovely things. ( I’m not linking to the page as it is still being built, but should be ready in the next week or so!)

I hope you’ll all be along for the ride, and I look forward to my new steps and growing my new little seed. If you need to find more about me, and Blush and Bloom Flower Studio you can follow/find here:

Facebook/ Pinterest/Twitter/ Instagram